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Our Spartan Athletes (grades 7-12) compete in the Toledo City Athletic League. Conference members are Bowsher, Rogers, Scott, Start, Waite and Woodward High Schools.

The district also offers youth sports for elementary-age students. There are programs in soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, track and field and wrestling. 

Basketball player shooting basketball

Extracurriculars and Electives

The Lima City Schools is full of opportunities both in and outside of the classroom.

The Spartans compete in the Toledo City Athletic League. Teams include football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, tennis, wrestling, cross-country, track and field, bowling, lacrosse and cheerleading. Many of these begin at the middle school level.

High school students can get involved in a wide range of activities, including leadership building organizations like Key Club and Student Government. 

Our DECA students have earned high praise, including an international award. DECA students travel throughout the year and members often hold statewide leadership positions.

Lima Senior also offers nearly 45 elective courses for students. They include 12 music groups, multiple art classes, and classes like African-American history, sociology, Holocaust, web design and engineering.

The opportunities for our students start long before high school. Our elementary and middle school students get involved too. Students are in music groups, including orchestra, which begins in the fourth-grade, the Liberty Touring Company and the Ukulele group at Heritage.

Extracurriculars and classes like robotics, Project Lead the Way, Engineering, Quiz Bowl, and student council are available to many of our young students. Robotics students at South build robots for competition. A group of students at Independence are learning to knit.

Leadership building begins early on too. Along with Key Club, the LimaKiwanis Club sponsors K-Kids in each of our elementary schools, and Builders Clubs in each of our middle schools. Students do great community service projects. 

The middle school and high school Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) program helps move students in the right direction and toward graduation through various activities and adult mentors.

Students at all levels are learning to give back. They are often involved in fundraising for the United Way and other local organizations.

Whatever students' interests might be, they can find something at the Lima City Schools. 

Student making giant bubble
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