The Lima City Schools offers a full continuum of services to students with disabilities. The district takes a cross-categorical approach when placing students. The focus for appropriate placement is not based solely on disability, but more importantly, the unique needs of each individual student.
Strong student-teacher ratios are maintained in all classrooms.
Lima City Schools has its own occupational, physical and speech therapists to work with students. The district also contracts with other entities to provide services to students when needed. They include consultants in audiology, braille and mobility.
All students with disabilities have access to state of the art technology. Classrooms are furnished with student computers, mobile laptop carts and modern audio visual equipment. The district also provides access to technology that is designed to assist the hearing impaired, the visually impaired and the non-verbal student.
Lima Senior High School has a strong transitions program, including a transitions coordinator to help students move from high school to the real world. A yearly transitions fair brings in organizations to help students with their education, employment and independent living goals.
All students with disabilities enrolled at Lima Senior High School have access to all vocational department programs. In addition, the students have sole access to the World to Work program. The program places students in area businesses to learn the work. Often times this opportunity leads to employment with the cooperating business once they graduate.
Each year one class is chosen to participate in a local equestrian therapy program.
There is also much support for families. Your Kids First is a support group for parents of children with any disability and there is also a support group geared toward autism.
All of the district’s buildings are handicapped accessible with entrance ramps, power entrance doors and elevators.