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Innovative programs land Aspire (GED) program state award

Beth Jokinen

The Lima City Schools Aspire (GED) program has been awarded the First Annual Chancellor’s Award for Innovative Programming recognizing new initiatives to help adults become more employable.

Along with helping adults better their educational skills and obtain their High School Equivalent Diploma (GED), the Aspire program has added five Integrating Education with Technology (IET) mini-courses with an industry-recognized certification to help students gain employment.

Serv Safe Manager and Microsoft Office Suite Certifications are both offered to people housed at the WORTH Center.

Customer Service (with a sewing component) will start in a few weeks. The class is a combination of offering outstanding customer service and looking at the textile industry. With the proximity of the Wilson Football Factory and Airstream, this is a great introduction to those industries. There are still spots available.

Introduction to the Trades looks at the various skills that are vital to the manufacturing industry. This class is scheduled to take place in the spring.

Computer Programming/E-sports is geared toward students with special needs like learning disorders, ADHD and sensory issues.

To sign up for any of these programs or to learn more about other Aspire (GED) programming, call 419-223-0252.

Additional information about its services can be found at The Aspire GED program is housed at 563 W Spring St.

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