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Industry, public join LSH at Ag and Engineering Campus Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Beth Jokinen

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

School officials, students, industry and others from the community were on hand as Lima Senior High School’s new Agriculture and Outdoor Occupations and Engineering Technology Campus "officially" opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house.


Students have been using the new campus, located at the former Emerson Elementary School site at 700 E. Edwards St., since the school year started in August.


The campus consists of two buildings (one for each program), a greenhouse and greenspace. It provides for much needed space for each program, allowing for more equipment and experiences for students, introducing them to the many disciplines and career opportunities available through each program.


Both programs are very hands-on, with stations set up in each building teaching skills such as electrical circuity, hydraulics, pneumatics, 3D printing and robotics in engineering, and farming, landscaping, woodworking and welding in Ag.


The green space will be used to teach landscaping as well as skills needed to become a golf course greenskeeper or work as a groundskeeper at an athletic complex. The complex also includes space for farm animals.


Ag and Engineering are two of 12 Career Tech programs at Lima Senior. There will be times when students from other programs will utilize the campus.


The project was paid for by federal CARES Act funds.

Several students spoke at the ceremony and open house and the Lima/Allen County Chamber of Commerce did an official ribbon cutting.



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