The Lima City Schools' gifted (enrichment) program begins in the third grade. Students have the opportunity to participate in some wonderful, hands-on learning. A few recent projects include building roller coasters and dissecting squid and sharks.
The elementary program is housed at Unity Elementary School and the middle school program is at Lima North Middle School. Students are bused to the schools once a week.
Those students deemed to have Superior Cognitive Ability now have the option of attending the South Science and Technology Magnet School, where they work with our gifted intervention specialist on a more regular and intense basis. The specialist also co-teaches in the regular classrooms to even more fully reach those students.
The program is voluntary. Superior Cognitive students who choose to stay in their current schools will continue to receive one-day-a-week enrichment experiences.
How is gifted defined?
The Lima City Schools uses the federal definition as a model and defines gifted students as students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkable levels of accomplishments when compared to others of their age, experience or environment, and who are identified under section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code.
How are children identified as gifted?
The Lima City Schools identifies gifted students in grades K-12 in one or more of the following areas:
Superior Cognitive Ability
Specific Academic Ability
Creative Thinking Ability
Visual or Performing Arts Ability
The Lima City Schools uses assessment instruments that are selected by the Ohio Department of Education to identify gifted students.
If you believe that your child is gifted, you may:
Call your child’s school teacher or principal
Complete the required paperwork to ask that your child be evaluated
Request a copy of the District Policy on Gifted Education
Gifted learners are given stimulating educational experiences appropriate to their level of ability to assist them in recognizing their potential. Gifted services provide an opportunity for academically talented students to reach their fullest potential.
When given the opportunity gifted students can use their vast amount of knowledge to serve as a background for unlimited learning. Providing for our finest minds allows both individual and societal needs to be met.