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Exterior of Unity Elementary School


925 E. Tercera Calle

Teléfono: 419-996-3300 | Fax: 419-996-3301

Horario estudiantil: 8:30 a.m. a 3:30 p.m. | Salida anticipada todos los miércoles a las 14:45.


  • Edificio de preescolar a cuarto grado

  • Los mentores de Kids Hope trabajan con los estudiantes

  • K-Kids en alianza con Lima Kiwanis Club, promueve el servicio comunitario

  • Programa “Criar un lector” de la Liga de Servicio Juvenil

  • Despensa de alimentos a disposición de las familias

  • Minirelevo anual de por vida

  • Desarrollo profesional continuo del personal.

  • Deportes juveniles disponibles: baloncesto, béisbol, sóftbol, fútbol, atletismo, voleibol y lucha libre.

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PAGprincipal ​Tricia Winkler

Oficial de recursos escolares

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Marissa Kennedy

Officer Kennedy attended Edison State Community College, where she obtained her OPOTA certification and an Associates of Applied Science in Criminal Justice in 2019. She was sworn in as a Lima Police Officer in November of 2020.  

After months of thorough training, including  criminal investigations, patrol procedures, self-defense, first aid and report writing, Officer Kennedy was given the opportunity to serve and protect the Lima City Schools. She is the SRO at Freedom Elementary and says she is blessed to be a protector of the children of Lima and cannot wait to see what the future holds.

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